Case study: Publishing Concepts (PCI)

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, Publishing, XML

In this presentation from the 2024 Americas Virtual User Group, Chris Hausler, Director of Business Development at Typefi, and Don Moody, VP of Production at Publishing Concepts (PCI), discuss how PCI was able to achieve something pretty remarkable using Typefi automated publishing software. It's one of the most interesting Typefi use cases we've seen to date!

Automated publishing from AEM

Type: Videos
  • Categories: AEM, CMS, DITA

Typefi can produce documents automatically using assets and DITA content stored in AEM. In this demo, Caleb uses Typefi to compose a 24-page insurance policy document—Typefi publishing software generates an interactive PDF and fully rendered InDesign file in just 20 seconds!

Case study: Innodata

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, Microsoft Word, Scripting, XML

Team members from Typefi client and partner Innodata discuss how their organisation has been using Typefi automated publishing software to help its clients publish better content in less time. Before Typefi, all the typesetting work at Innodata was done manually. Now with Typefi automation, Innodata's turnaround times have decreased from a few weeks to just a few days.

Inspire Inclusion on International Women’s Day 2024

March 6, 2024

March 8th is International Women’s Day! It’s a day to celebrate women and all their achievements, raise awareness about discrimination, and take action to work towards true equality for all women. We’re thankful for all the incredible women on our team—read their stories to get their thoughts about women’s inclusion and working at Typefi.

Case study: IGI Global

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, EPUB, eXtyles, PDF, XML

IGI Global first starting using Typefi 4 back in 2008. The initial implementation brought some big benefits, but didn't solve every challenge. IGI finally decided to upgrade to Typefi 8 in 2023. With this upgrade, everything that the team at IGI was previously doing in-house can now be done out of the box using Typefi. Learn more about the project and the benefits Typefi brought to IGI in this presentation.

Case study: American Petroleum Institute

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, eXtyles, Microsoft Word, Standards

American Petroleum Institute publishes standards for the oil and gas industry. For years, production was slow due to inconsistent authoring and outsourced editing. Now with a new workflow using Typefi and eXtyles, production time has decreased drastically, proofing time was cut in half, and a record number of documents were published in 2022.

What is XML Web Authoring?

Type: Papers & articles
  • Categories: DITA, Online Authoring, XML

XML is a standardised markup language commonly used by technical writers to create structured content. XML is also useful when it comes to automating time-consuming tasks and processes—like pagination—in publishing. If you’re new to XML, check out this article to learn what XML and DITA are, and the benefits of XML web authoring.

Automated publishing at Kaplan

Type: Videos
  • Categories: Case Study, CMS, DITA, Education

Emily Johnston, Typefi Business Development Director, recently sat down for a chat to discuss how Typefi, along with Componize CCMS and structured authoring in DITA, has revolutionised how Kaplan produces its content. What was once a tedious workflow—taking content manually from Microsoft Word into InDesign—is now highly automated and streamlined.