Automated Publishing for Finance & Insurance
Empower your marketing team with Typefi, a proven and trusted automated publishing solution that utilises Adobe InDesign for superior composition and layout.
Automatically produce richly designed, brand compliant stakeholder documents—like fund fact sheets, research reports, disclosures, sales enablement documents and more—in minutes, and with 100% accuracy, using Typefi.
By giving our account managers something that’s so fast and easy to use, it’s a lot easier for them than trying to create a booklet themselves in Word. As far as maintaining branding consistency, it’s already there, it’s built in.
Reduce Time to Market
Produce time-sensitive documents with the latest data in just minutes. Update your source content and produce a new version with a single click.
Eliminate Errors
Automated typesetting and layout is 100% accurate to the data you input. Manual errors are a thing of the past.
Multiple Input Sources
Automatically combine images and graphics with data from Word, Excel, and XML to create your final output.
Publish to Multiple Formats
Produce 30+ output types, including print-ready PDF, editable InDesign documents, EPUB, HTML, XML, and Section 508-compliant accessible formats.
Automatic Table Creation
Turn your data into fully designed tables, charts, and lists automatically—no matter how complex the data is.
Multilingual Publishing
Publish content in hundreds of languages (including right-to-left languages) without manually resizing translated text.
Featured Spotlight
Publish a 24-page insurance policy document in 20 seconds
Watch Typefi compose a 24-page insurance policy document automatically in just 20 seconds in this demo video.
The document in this example is produced using content stored in Adobe Experience Manager. The job is triggered from the database via Typefi’s AEM integration, and the final outputs are returned to the database. You can also use Typefi’s versatile API to connect with nearly any other CMS or CCMS to enable the same capability.
Check out the video to see how it works.
Featured Case Study
Lockton Companies, the world’s largest privately held insurance brokerage, reduced production time for client documents from 12 hours to 15 minutes after implementing Typefi with a custom front-end built by digital product agency Crema. Account managers can now create brand-compliant documents quickly and without the help of a designer.

Typefi for Financial Services
- Category: Finance
Watch Typefi create a Fund Fact Sheet (XML to PDF) and an EDGAR filing (Microsoft Word to PDF and EDGAR-compliant HTML) in just minutes in this recorded webinar.
Demo: Multilingual publishing with Typefi
- Category: Multilingual Publishing
See how Typefi can publish complex content in over 100 languages (including right-to-left languages) faster and more accurately than you ever thought possible.
Demo: Accessible publishing with Typefi
- Category: Accessibility
Typefi can help you build automatic, standards-compliant accessibility features right into your publishing workflows—without increasing composition costs!