The challenges of multilingual publishing


What are the issues that need to be addressed when implementing a multilingual publishing process? Typefi CEO Chandi Perera discussed these challenges with particular reference to JATS and BITS at JATS-Con 2016 on 12 April. His conference paper, which also recommends best practice approaches, is now available from the NCBI website.

JATS-Con is a conference for anyone who uses, or is interested in learning about, the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), an XML format for marking up and exchanging journal content. Chandi has presented at several previous JATS-Cons, having worked with NLM, JATS and BITS (Book Interchange Tag Suite) and their derivative DTDs for many years.

This year’s presentation covered issues such as selecting the optimum point in the publishing process for content translation, difficulties with inline text styling, and treatment of translated and generated content. Chandi also addressed the limitations of fonts that cover a limited number of languages in a multilingual environment.

This paper is essential reading for anyone in the STM publishing community considering publishing content in languages other than English.

Read the paper →

View papers from Chandi’s previous JATS-Con presentations