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The future of documents

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: NISO STS, Standards

The Future of Documents is shaped by a fundamental change in how information is shared and agreements are secured. NISO STS has prepared standards creation very well for this. Jan Benedictus, Fonto CEO, reflects on Fonto’s experience with standards development organisations and what this means for authors, editors and reviewers of standards, as well as consumers of them.

Continuing adventures in Standards XML publishing

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, Standards, XML

The IEEE Standards Association is well known for producing widely-respected and adopted technology standards that are used around the world. In this case study, Patrick Gibbons of IEEE SA gives an overview of how IEEE SA met the challenges of implementing an XML publishing system and shares some of the continuing challenges they face.

2020 Typefi support updates

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Category: Support

Laura Powers, Typefi Technical Writer, spent 2020 diligently updating Typefi Support to make it easier for you to find relevant, helpful information. Learn about what has changed in this video.

2020 Typefi product update

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Category: Product Update

Join Caleb Clauset, Typefi VP Product, as he shares a recap of Typefi product releases and updates from 2020, as well as a sneak peek of new products and features in development.

People and technology: The future of making books

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Publishing

As part of Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020, John Pettigrew, CEO of We Are Futureproofs and host of the Talking Through My Hat conversation series, invited Chandi Perera (Typefi), Anna Faherty (Strategic Content) and Nick Coveney (Kobo) to join a lively virtual panel discussion on people and tech in publishing.

Publish multiformat educational content 80% faster!

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: Education, Publishing

Typefi is a proven automated publishing platform that enables you to automatically publish content to 30+ formats for print, online, or mobile. See how to publish both teacher and student editions of a complex math textbook in PDF and EPUB formats in minutes—from a single Microsoft Word document—in this webinar.

Accelerate styling with Typefi Writer 64-bit edition

Type: Videos
  • Category: Typefi Writer

The 64-bit edition of Typefi Writer, released in October 2020, has a very cool new feature—floating paragraph and character style panels. This dramatically speeds up the application of Typefi paragraph and character styles, and greatly reduces the potential for tagging errors! See how it works in this short demo video.

A guide to structuring content for automation

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: AEM, XML

Marie Gollentz, Typefi Project Manager, explains how to structure your content and optimise it for automation in this webinar. She discusses a few practical steps you can follow, then shows how you can create beautiful content from the Adobe Experience Manager Guides solution using InDesign and Typefi.

End-to-end automation with eXtyles Arc and Typefi

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: eXtyles, STM, XML

eXtyles Arc by Inera is an automation solution that structures raw author-submitted Word files and produces semantically rich JATS XML. Learn how you can use eXtyles Arc and Typefi to go from unstructured Word manuscripts to perfect PDFs in minutes—no human intervention required!