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American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Case Study
  • Categories: BITS, eXtyles, Typefi Cloud, XML
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

AAOS provides continuing medical education to orthopaedic surgeons worldwide through journals and a suite of scientific and medical textbooks. The organisation publishes between six and ten textbooks each year, ranging in size from 300 to 1300 pages. Typefi Cloud enabled AAOS to increase accuracy and drastically reduce production time while reducing overall production cost.

American Petroleum Institute

Case Study
  • Categories: eXtyles, STS, XML
  • Industry: Standards Publishing

American Petroleum Institute maintains more than 800 standards for petrochemical equipment, safe operating practices, and environmental protection. Typefi, along with structured authoring, enabled API to establish consistency in its publishing process and significantly reduce proofing time. The organisation is now producing record numbers of standards using Typefi.

Federation of Animal Science Societies

Case Study
  • Categories: eXtyles, JATS, MathType, Typefi Workgroup, Typefi Writer, XML
  • Industry: Scientific and Scholarly Publishing

FASS publishes more than 14,000 pages of complex journals annually. Typefi replaced a labour-intensive, manual typecoding process and, along with Inera eXtyles, reduced journal composition time by more than half. Complex elements are now published automatically and everything is done in-house.

IGI Global

Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, eXtyles, Typefi API
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

IGI Global is a leading international academic publisher. The company produces both print books and content for its XML-powered online learning platform. Using Typefi along with Inera eXtyles and a CMS has enabled a massive production increase—before the new system was implemented, IGI Global produced just 120 books per year; that has now increased to more than 650 books annually.