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Automated publishing from AEM

Type: Videos
  • Categories: AEM, CMS, DITA

Typefi can produce documents automatically using assets and DITA content stored in AEM. In this demo, Caleb uses Typefi to compose a 24-page insurance policy document—Typefi publishing software generates an interactive PDF and fully rendered InDesign file in just 20 seconds!

Automated publishing at Kaplan

Type: Videos
  • Categories: Case Study, CMS, DITA, Education

Emily Johnston, Typefi Business Development Director, recently sat down for a chat to discuss how Typefi, along with Componize CCMS and structured authoring in DITA, has revolutionised how Kaplan produces its content. What was once a tedious workflow—taking content manually from Microsoft Word into InDesign—is now highly automated and streamlined.

A CMS, Abraham Lincoln and a Tree

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: CMS

In this presentation from the 2018 Typefi User Conference, Chris Kaefer, Director of Consulting at Flatirons Jouve, discusses what you need to consider when looking for a Content Management System and, ultimately, how to choose and implement a CMS. What do Abraham Lincoln and a tree have to do with it? You’ll have to watch to find out!

White Paper: Take control of your content

Type: Papers & articles
  • Category: CMS

This white paper, written by Typefi Senior Solutions Consultant, Eric Damitz, guides you through a series of steps that you can take to help your organisation manage content more efficiently. You’ll learn how to develop a content strategy, create style guides, and much more.