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Case Study
  • Category: Catalogs
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

Billabong is one of the world's most recognised surf and clothing brands. Based in Australia, the company produces three series of regional product catalogues per year. Typefi was able to completely automate catalogue composition and separate product data from catalogue design so edits can be made quickly at any stage. The result is improved accuracy and faster production times.

BlueScope Lysaght

Case Study
  • Categories: Catalogs, Typefi API
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

BlueScope Lysaght is Australia’s premier manufacturer and distributor of quality steel building products. The company produces 7 regional versions of its product catalog for each release. Thanks to Typefi, manual re-keying of product data was eliminated and catalog production time was reduced by 60%. The entire production process now takes just 4 weeks.

Overhead Door

Case Study
  • Categories: Manuals, Typefi Workgroup, Typefi Writer
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

Overhead Door is one of the largest door manufacturers in the United States. The company produces over 1600 installation guides for its products, which are updated regularly. Overhead Door saved 80% in publishing time by automating the production of its install guides with Typefi.


Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, Manuals, Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Workgroup
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

PMC is a Japanese document solutions company specialising in publishing for manufacturers. Typefi integrated seamlessly with PMC's XML-based CMS, enabling true single-source document creation with the ability to edit content and design at any stage. As a result, PMC's production has “increased explosively”, with minimal changes to staffing.


Case Study
  • Categories: Manuals, Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Desktop
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

Rhino-Rack is an Australian manufacturer of roof racks and accessories. The company produces fit guides in 4 languages for each of its products, and guides are updated every 1-2 months. The old production cycle was nearly constant and errors caused significant delays. After implementing Typefi, production time per guide was reduced from one month down to three to four days with a noticeable reduction in errors.