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Hachette Antoine

Case Study
  • Categories: Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Writer
  • Industries: Book Publishing, Education and Textbooks

Hachette Antoine is a regional publisher, based in Lebanon, producing mainly Arabic textbooks and fiction. Using Typefi, Hachette Antoine improved the quality of Arabic typesetting, significantly reduced production and review time, and eliminated outsourcing. It's now possible to go to press in less than 48 hours!

International Social Security Association

Case Study
  • Categories: Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Cloud, Typefi Writer
  • Industry: International and Treaty Organisations

The ISSA is the world's leading international organisation for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. Typefi Cloud made it possible for ISSA to produce multilingual publications on a “previously inconceivable” timescale. Outsourcing was eliminated, and the review and editing process is now significantly faster.


Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, Manuals, Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Workgroup
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

PMC is a Japanese document solutions company specialising in publishing for manufacturers. Typefi integrated seamlessly with PMC's XML-based CMS, enabling true single-source document creation with the ability to edit content and design at any stage. As a result, PMC's production has “increased explosively”, with minimal changes to staffing.


Case Study
  • Categories: Manuals, Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Desktop
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

Rhino-Rack is an Australian manufacturer of roof racks and accessories. The company produces fit guides in 4 languages for each of its products, and guides are updated every 1-2 months. The old production cycle was nearly constant and errors caused significant delays. After implementing Typefi, production time per guide was reduced from one month down to three to four days with a noticeable reduction in errors.