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Apa Publications

Case Study
  • Categories: E-books, Typefi Workgroup
  • Industry: Travel Guides

Apa Publications is a travel publisher with imprints including Insight Guides, Berlitz, and Rough Guides. The company produces over 400 visually-rich titles for print and e-book formats. Using Typefi, production time was reduced by more than half and e-book production was moved totally in-house. Additionally, Typefi made it easy to maintain consistent styling and repurpose content for app production.


Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, DITA, E-books, Typefi Cloud, XML
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

Kaplan Professional Education produces 400+ page print textbooks and e-books for professional development in financial planning, real estate insurance, and accounting. Using Typefi, production and review time was significantly reduced and everything was brought back in-house.

Overseas Development Institute

Case Study
  • Categories: E-books, Typefi Writer
  • Industry: International and Treaty Organisations

The ODI is an independent think tank which publishes research reports, briefing papers and working papers for print and e-book formats. Typefi enabled a more streamlined production process with robust support for complex layouts, figures and infographics. E-books can also now be produced from the same source as print content.

The Federation Press

Case Study
  • Categories: E-books, Typefi Workgroup, Typefi Writer
  • Industries: Book Publishing, Education and Textbooks

The Federation Press is an independent, Australian-owned publishing company specialising in legal, social and academic books. The company produces print books and e-books up to 1500 pages long. Using Typefi, the company's small production department can produce 50 books per year and make changes at any stage without time-intensive reformatting.