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IGI Global

Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, eXtyles, Typefi API
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

IGI Global is a leading international academic publisher. The company produces both print books and content for its XML-powered online learning platform. Using Typefi along with Inera eXtyles and a CMS has enabled a massive production increase—before the new system was implemented, IGI Global produced just 120 books per year; that has now increased to more than 650 books annually.


Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, DITA, E-books, Typefi Cloud, XML
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

Kaplan Professional Education produces 400+ page print textbooks and e-books for professional development in financial planning, real estate insurance, and accounting. Using Typefi, production and review time was significantly reduced and everything was brought back in-house.


Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, Manuals, Multilingual Publishing, Typefi Workgroup
  • Industry: Manufacturing and Technical Communication

PMC is a Japanese document solutions company specialising in publishing for manufacturers. Typefi integrated seamlessly with PMC's XML-based CMS, enabling true single-source document creation with the ability to edit content and design at any stage. As a result, PMC's production has “increased explosively”, with minimal changes to staffing.

The Institutes

Case Study
  • Categories: CMS, DITA, XML
  • Industry: Education and Textbooks

The Institutes is a leading provider of continuing education and development for professionals in the risk management and property casualty insurance industries. After switching to an XML-based CMS and storing content in modular units called Learning Objects, The Institutes began using Typefi. The result was an incredible 1900% production increase over 5 years without any changes to staffing.